Coding Period 2 (May 21st - May 27th)
After completing metadata extraction for a subset of properties, next step is to expand this to get ALL (more than 20k for large classes such as Place) properties for Place class. But, there is a notion of timeout (around 20 sec) which restricts the time that a single SPARQL query can take for it’s execution. This timeout is kept, to distribute DBpedia’s knowledge equally among all it’s users and to make sure a sinlge user is not exhausting majority of resources. I, along with Tomasso, tried to tackle this using:
OFFSET and LIMIT keywords
but got strange results.
So, we decided to switch from SPARQL to This web page has properties majorly from ontology namespace which are correct (with more confidence).
The next step, hence became to systematically web-scrape the web page and store it. I began with web-scraping during the end of the week.